Bid Day Photography Training:

During The Shoot

Understanding The Bid Day Schedule

Important Photoshoot Schedule Notes:

Each chapter’s photo shoot is scheduled as a 30 minute Round based on the University New Member release time.

  • Panhellenic’s release schedule rarely runs on time

  • If times shift, be sure to follow round numbers in order

  • Arrive 45 minutes early to your first round

  • Once you are finished with round 1, go directly to your next round

  • Always keep contacts informed of where you are

  • Keep photo shoots to 30 minutes

  • Each chapter has selected a service type:

    • Basic = group photography only (Mobile ordering – order form access via QR code)

    • Gold = group photography only (NO digital order form/QR code displayed)

    • Platinum = group photography + candids (NO digital order form/QR code displayed)

Setting Up The Group Shots

Figure out how you’re going to best shoot the chapter. There are several ways to set up large groups so you can see all of the members. The goal is to create levels.

Using Chairs

Use 3 Rows Of Chairs
Back row: standing on chairs
Row 2: squatting on chairs
Row 3: standing on ground
Row 4: squatting on ground
Row 5: sitting in chairs
Row 6: kneeling on ground
Row 7+: sitting on the ground

Using Chairs - Example Image

Using Steps

Often the easiest way to set up the sorority

Try to line members up in an orderly and safe manner. It often helps to direct class groups to which rows to stand.

Make sure each row goes all the way across and the sides are even.

Using Steps Example<br />

Using Hills

When using a hill be sure to create even rows. Make sure each row is spaced out enough to see everyone.

It is very easy on hills to have the group look messy/like a mob. Try to keep the outer edges lined up nicely.

Using Hills

Using Other Structures

Using other available structures often makes for very creative and
dynamic images.

Get creative and be sure to fill the frame and try not to leave any
dead space

Using other structures

Lining Up The Group Members

Start by getting help from your chapter contact!
  • Explain how you want to set up the group to the chapter contact, then have her help you organize the members.
  • It is easiest to line them up according to classes. Start by announcing all of the seniors to the back. Once they are in place, get the juniors to line up in front of them. Then sophomores and then the new girls up front. Always try to get the new members up front, they are the stars of the show!
  • Once they are in place, stand in the middle and have all the girls angle in.

The Speech

Once you have all the girls lined up and have their attention it is time to make a speech. There are several key things you want to cover in your speech.

  • Have the QR code in your hand while giving them the speech
  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain the order of shots that will be taken. Starting with the whole chapter then doing each pledge class ending with the new members
  • Explain that you will be taking 5 formal shots and 5 fun shots of each group
  • Explain the ordering process for chapters with the Basic Package and tell them they all need to scan the QR code to confirm there class
  • After the full chapter photo, tell them to go scan the QR and point to it
  • If you want these photos you must order today the QR code expires
    shortly after the shoot.
  • No money is collected today
  • Get them excited for their shoot!!!

FAQs From The Chapter

How do I scan the qr code?
Using the built in camera app on your phone, hold the screen over the QR code.

Can I confirm my class without ordering photos?
Yes! By confirming which class photo you are in, we can guarantee that any sister that orders will receive the correct photos, and if a sister gets you one as a gift, we have your class.

When and how do I pay for my pictures?
We do not accept payment on bid day! Your chapter will bill you after Bid Day.

When can I see these photos?
You will not be able to see them before you order. This is to ensure that we get you your photos as quickly as possible!

Who gets photographed first?
We photograph the full house photo first and then each academic/pledge class.

What if I place more than one order?
Unless you put in the notes on the order form that you want “this one”, both orders will appear on your chapter’s invoice, where your primary contact can review it for duplicates

What if I want to change my order?
Place a new order, and add in the notes at the end this is the final order

What if I want to customize my order?
There is a note section at the end where you can ask for specific photos

How do I place an order without my phone?
You can order on anyone’s phone or computer

Do I still have to confirm my class even if I’m not going to order?
Yes! By confirming which class photo you are in, we can guarantee that any sister that orders will receive the correct photos, and If a sister gets you one as a gift, we have your class

How can I order photos for someone else?
On the notes section on the form, list the member’s full name for whom you are ordering.

How can I order for all new members?
If you would like to order more then 5 of any item, make a note on the order form, and we will adjust the order accordingly

If the contact asks, what if we don’t meet the minimum?
Your chapter will be invoice for the difference. This will appear on the same invoice for the orders placed, so encourage eveyone to order!

How long do I have to place my order?
Your online order form will expire tomorrow, so you must order today!


Chapter Issues

What do I do if I can’t get a hold of the chapter contact?

  • Text them! College students are more likely to check a text than a voice-mail.
  • If they do not respond, continue with the shoot as planned.

I called the chapter contact before the shoot and she said the chapter does not want me to come.

  • Let them know they have an agreement with GYB to be photographed and a fee will incur if they do not get photographed.
  • If they are still resistant, call the manager on duty or the scheduling coordinator.

What if the chapter doesn’t want to take all of the required photos?

  • Explain how quickly you can take them.
  • Let them know that it is in their agreement to take all of the photos
  • If the chapter still refuses, make note on the invoice which groups were taken and why the others were not. If you can, try to AT LEAST get the full house and the new member photos.
Equipment Issues

Your camera breaks/malfunctions:

Please make sure you have a back-up camera with you at shoots in case something goes wrong.

Timing Issues
You running late

Make sure to check traffic conditions and give yourself plenty of time to get to the shoot. If you are running late, let the chapter contact know and let them know when to expect you. Be prepared to stay past the original end time to ensure all groups are photographed. Also, keep any other chapter you may be shooting in the loop and attempt to make up as much time as you can.

The shoot is running late or early

If you notice the shoot may go past it’s time or starts late please let the other chapters (round 2,3…) know there may be a slight time shift. Give them an estimated time. Do the same if the shoot runs early. Generally, if things run early or late all the chapter festivities will be adjusted accordingly.

Scheduling Issues

There is inclement weather:

If the shoot is supposed to be outdoors and it’s raining, the chapter is required to have a backup location for the shoot. If the chapter needs to reschedule, you will be paid the cancellation fee. If you need to cancel based on weather conditions and you cannot reach the shoot location, let the Scheduling Coordinator know ASAP. If there is extreme weather (hurricane, tornado, etc) and school is closed, let the Scheduling Coordinator know and the shoot will be rescheduled.

You have a scheduling conflict:

If an emergency comes up and you can no longer do your shoot on the scheduled date please let the Scheduling Coordinator know as soon as possible. We will try to reschedule with the chapter, but if we cannot the shoot will be given to another photographer.

Important Notes

  • When shooting please make sure to leave enough room on the sides and the top and bottom so we may crop and add text to the photo.
  • Please make sure you can see everyone’s face.
  • Be sure that your shot is clear of any debris (i.e. people that do not belong in the shot,bags, trash, etc.).
  • Keep the attention of everyone and make sure they are looking/posing throughout the duration of the shoot!
  • You have to take a minimum of 10 frames of each group, (5 fun, 5 serious). In the end you should have around 50 images per organization.