Composite Photography Training:
Before The Shoot
GYB Focus
What is GYB Focus?
GYB Focus is our online photographer web portal. It has all the information you need about upcoming and past photoshoots in one place. This portal is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices (it’s friendly).
Logging In
Access your account:
Access your account:
Your login and password should have been emailed to you. If you need it again, please email:
How GYB Focus Works:
Bid Day shoots are purple, and Composites are blue!
- This Week (Photoshoots within 7 days)
- You will see a condensed version with the most pertinent information for the photo shoot (Ex: Type of shoot, date, time, address, contact info, etc…). Here you can “View Details” to get a full view of information for this photoshoot. (secondary contacts, # of members, etc…)
- You can also “Add to Calendar” in the [View Details] expanded view.
- Upcoming (Photoshoots beyond 8 days)
- This will have all scheduled photoshoots (School / Org /Time) grouped by date at a glance.
- You can click on any of these shoots to view the most important information regarding the shoot as well the ability to use the “Add to Calendar” function.
- Past (Shows shoots from yesterday up to 45 days old)
- This will have a quick view of what items we have received and what we are still waiting on (Images, Invoice).
GYB Materials
- GYB will send you the following:
- Two Acrylic sign holders for:
- Welcome sign with directions
- QR code (sent via email).
- Backup pad for image selection
- To be used ONLY in rare cases of technical difficulties!

Your Equipment Checklist
Gather Your Equipment:
- Camera and backup
- Two memory cards
- Two lenses: at least one portrait lens and backup
- Pocket wizards, sync cord or other slave/triggering device
- Two fully charged camera batteries
- Three lights/strobes minimum – Two for use, one as backup
- Power cords for each light and extension cords
- Reflectors for strobes and two umbrellas soft box, or other light modifiers
- Light stands
- Neutral colored backdrop and stands. We recommend the Twistflex TMM-7005
- Optional – Gaffers tape, tripod, and tethering system
Questions & Reminders for the Chapter Contact
Confirm Photoshoot Details With The Chapter Contact
48 hours before the photo shoot, call the chapter contact to confirm the following:
- Your chapter contact’s phone number can be found in the scheduling email as well as in your GYB Focus account
- Location: Confirm the address and ask which entrance they prefer you to use. Make sure someone is there to let you in at least 30 min prior to the shoot time.
- Parking: Where should you park? Is there a loading zone through which equipment can be carried? (GYB is not responsible should you receive a parking ticket.) We reimburse for paid parking with a receipt.
- Confirm Time: A definite time for the shoot and have them relay this time to their members. Arrive early to set up.
- Payment: Photographers no longer accept payments. Remind your contact that they need to pay online or send a check payable to “GreekYearbook”.
- Attire: It is up to the chapter. Sororities can purchase 2 drapes that will be shipped directly to the chapter. WE DO NOT PHOTOSHOP DRAPES onto members. Fraternity members need to have more than one tie and collared shirt among the chapter.
- Set Up: Remind your contact to prepare a large room to use as the shoot location and move any furniture.