kennedyI have been working for GreekYearbook for several years now and have been fortunate enough to attend hundreds of bid days shoots, composite shoots, and Greek National Conventions.  As the head photographer, I get to interact with not only thousands of Greek students, but also many of the national officers.  I came to GreekYearbook having gone to a small art college with no Greek lifewhatsoever. The only thing I knew about being Greek was from what friends that were affiliated told me, as well as the parties and formals I had attended.  I never knew about all the philanthropic efforts the organizations are involved in.

Getting to see how the goals and values of each organization, on a national level, trickle down to the individual chapters has been really eye opening for me.  All of the organizations promote leadership, scholarship, friendship, and philanthropy.  After attending conventions from various organizations, I have witnessed all the great things these chapters have done across the country as well as how they have made a positive impact, not only on their communities, but also on national level.  I have photographed countless keynotes, educational sessions, banquettes, and business meetings. By doing so, I have become very familiar with the standards each fraternity and sorority has asked their individual chapters to live up to.  And from what I have seen they are! Photographing for bid days or composites I get to see the students with their guard down and they still represent their organizations proudly. The level of involvement among Greek students is impeccable and they make their campuses better for everyone.

– Nic Kennedy, Head Photographer