Recruitment Tips from Delta Gamma at Arizona State University
Planning recruitment can be a monumental task! Luckily, we recruited a recruitment guru to help recruitment chairs across the country! Makayla at Delta Gamma – Arizona State University shared three things they wished they would have known before planning their recruitment week.
Conversation Starters
It is important to have a grasp on your chapters conversation skills! Plan out conversation starters and coach members on proper communication skills. Having these all sorted out before the action starts can really help out when there is a nervous new member or an awkward pause in conversation!
Planning the right activities
Plan out activities that are comfortable for all parties! Be sure to think about the new members. The activity might not be weird for current sisters since we are all familiar with one another but a new member may be too uncomfortable to participate! Be sure to choose options that are on the safe side and will be enjoyable for everyone involved!
Outfit planning for active members
Be courteous to every sister’s opinion when choosing recruitment week outfits. Confidence is key and if you choose a style that won’t work for everyone it can leave your sisters feeling uncomfortable. Take a poll at chapter or talk to your sisters to see how they feel about the current style options!