bidday1-300x300Sorority bid day is quite amazing to behold. Whether it’s for 60-member chapters or grandiose 500-member chapters, it is absolutely hectic for everyone involved and takes months of planning for one day of action. It is a mix of stress, excitement, anxiety, jubilation and probably more emotions that I haven’t even contemplated. Those involved are not limited Sorority members; there are parents, grandparents, siblings, boyfriends, friends, and Fraternity members and all of whom are there to celebrate sisterhood.

As the only nationwide bid day photography company, we photograph more Sorority bid days than anyone and we witness this phenomenon first hand time and time again. Being in the marketing & sales department I get to see the beginning of the process, which is informing Sorority members of our free bid day photography service and then receiving their contracts. From there it’s up to the scheduling department to organize everything regarding photographers and time slots of chapters to be photographed. But I also am a photo shoot manager, so I attend bid day photo shoots all over the country. I get to see the culmination of all the scheduling and logistical planning, both on our part and on the part of the Sorority chapters.

bidday2-300x300Photography is certainly not the focus of bid day, but it serves to preserve the memories of what many Sorority members refer to as ‘the best decision of their young lives’. Capturing the magic of bid day in a brief 30 minute photo shoot is no easy job, but it’s highly rewarding. The smiles and thanks that we receive from chapter members, family & friends, and Greek life advisors really make all of the planning, airline flights, and last minute scrambling worth it. So, we will continue to organize the inherent chaos that is bid day photography in order to make things run as smoothly as possible for active and new Sorority members on this highly important day.

-John Gamble, Marketing Associate